Adams County is preparing a new Strasburg Sub Area Plan to guide future zoning and growth and seeks community input.
REAP’s Strasburg High School intern Dakota Strasser is on the community advisory committee.
Byers School District 32-J applied to the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (COEDIT) for technical assistance on an outdoor recreation economy master plan. COEDIT called it a “good fit”. A decision comes in late September.
Sun Communities Inc., a national tourism franchise, seeks Arapahoe County re-zoning for a 400-acre RV resort in Byers, north of I-70 and west of US 36. It also seeks inclusion in the water district.
Plus Power, a national energy storage developer, will be seeking Arapahoe County re-zoning approval for a new site near Quincy Avenue.
Rocky Mountain Rail Park, a 620-acre rail-served industrial park in Adams County, southeast of Colorado Air and Space Port, has already landed Alpine Lumber and LKQ Auto Parts as occupants.
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A redrawn Enterprise Zone will now cover eastern Arapahoe County. Eligible and verified businesses, now and in the future, will benefit from eight tax credits available.
Biotech company and hemp producer Kazmira near Watkins is investigating new medical research because of the federal government’s less restrictive rescheduling of marijuana.
New venture Orenga LLC is building a biochar production facility near Watkins. Meanwhile, the new Farm Bill will authorize federally funded biochar test sites. Local advocacy for one is underway.
Arapahoe County Open Space has begun its 2,800-acre Bijou Basin Master Plan study and seeks community input. Trails are a priority.
The county is also undertaking a public works study of W. Bijou Creek basin. Trails are contemplated.
Bennett continues to grow with a 301-home development by Oakwood Homes on Muegge Farms. The base price for these homes is $350K.
Adams County will soon announce a public-private partnership firm to guide future development of the Colorado Air and Space Port.
Byers High School won a $250K Health Career and Technical Education grant to build a laboratory/classroom equipped with a state-of-the-art Anatomage, a life size virtual dissection table.
Byers School District 32-J will seek voter approval for a $19.19m bond to add more CTE classrooms and expanded recreation facilities for both student and community use.
By 93 yea to 60 nay, Deer Trail (pop 1387) approved a first ever 1.75 % sales and use tax to start the financing of an urgently needed mechanical sewer system.
Eager drinkers await the opening of Launch Pad Brewery in Bennett.
Byers School District received a "B+" overall satisfaction grade from a 1250 household survey just done in anticipation of a $17.19m school bond vote.
The bond pays for upgrades of CTE classrooms, athletics and common areas.
News and Upcoming Events
Meet Our New Intern!
My name is Dakota Strasser and I’m this year’s intern! I’m a senior at Strasburg High School and plan to attend the University of Wyoming next fall to study Outdoor Recreation and Hospitality Management. I love the outdoors, reading, and making bracelets! I’m excited for the opportunity REAP has given me and can’t wait to see where it takes me.
Colorado Air and Space Port Anniversary
Join The Colorado Air and Space Port for their 40th anniversary celebration! Click the link below for more information.